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Elle Majors

Next.js Pre-rendering: Static Generation vs. Server-Side Rendering

Next.js, a popular web development framework, offers two pre-rendering options: Static Generation and Server-Side Rendering (SSR). Each method differs in when HTML is generated for a page. Next.js allows you to choose the pre-rendering approach on a per-page basis, enabling the creation of hybrid apps that combine Static Generation and SSR.

Static Generation (SG):

  • HTML is generated at build time and reused for each request.
  • Ideal for static content and provides faster page loads.
  • Compatible with CDNs and offers SEO benefits.

Server-Side Rendering (SSR):

  • HTML is generated dynamically on each request.
  • Suitable for real-time data updates and pages with frequently changing content.
  • Supports complex client-server interactions.

Creating a Hybrid Next.js App:

  • Next.js allows combining Static Generation and SSR.
  • Use Static Generation for most pages and SSR for specific pages with dynamic content.
  • Provides performance optimization and dynamic functionality.

Next.js provides Static Generation and Server-Side Rendering options. Static Generation offers faster loading times and scalability, while SSR allows for real-time updates and dynamic content. By leveraging a hybrid approach and choosing the appropriate pre-rendering method for each page, developers can achieve optimized performance and deliver a tailored user experience.